How HubSpot CMS Lets You Localize Content Dynamically?


User Research Workshops

An awe experience of dynamic content

Last week I visited the Amazon store to purchase a few things. It wasn’t the first time for me, but I had an awesome experience this time.

The website greeted me by name and mentioned my location multiple times. Additionally, it recommended products tailored to my location, the current season, and local weather conditions.

It looks like a cloying experience for me. But, on the other hand, everything seems sumptuous and friendly to me!

However, I was not an ordinary customer who could easily get exclaimed and forget after a while. I have a marketer’s mind, so it thinks that way.

Tell me what sorts of thoughts ran after that incident and how I found a way to apply that research to my marketing campaigns.


What is dynamic content or smart content?

I have discussed that experience with my friend Amanda, a marketer by profession. Amanda had explained what is behind that phenomenon and gave me technical terms for it.

According to her, it was about smart content or dynamic content. I suddenly asked her, “What is smart content?”

“Smart content delights the readers/visitors who visit your website. The aim behind smart content is to attract your consumer’s attention to a business website. Dynamic content also creates affinity and engages the customers, and eventually converts them into loyal customers.” said Amanda.

“Today morning, I visited a fashion website and explored some garment product pages. Later on, I visited my Facebook account, and to my surprise, Facebook ads on it were on those products and even from the same company that I visited in the morning.

I guess Facebook has considered my browsing history to display those ads in my account.” ― Amanda explained her own similar experience to me.


What is a dynamic website?

I asked Amanda to explain the technical aspects of smart content. She quickly responded, “It is a database-driven dynamic website.” This piqued my curiosity about database-driven or dynamic websites.

From her response, I understand that data-driven websites rely on databases to present their content. Dynamic websites pull content from database tables, whereas static websites depend on the content embedded within the HTML code.


How does HubSpot provide you with dynamic content through dynamic websites?

If you are curious about how database-driven websites work, let me tell you that the data collection works by a script in the HTML code of the web page.

The script makes changes in the website content and makes it relevant to the users based on the data in the database.

Thus, database-driven content creates a highly personalized experience for web visitors, particularly repeat users.

The question arises: how do databases collect user data? Most websites, especially eCommerce sites, feature a range of forms and contact points where users provide necessary information to the database.

Upon a user’s return visit, the dynamic script utilizes the previously collected data to deliver a personalized experience.

Contrary to popular belief, creating dynamic websites is not an overly complex task reserved solely for developers; in fact, this assumption is quite far from the truth.

Today, we have a HubSpot-like powerful CMS platform based on a CRM and provide user interface-based website creation tools. Through the CMS Hub of the HubSpot, anyone can create dynamic websites and make databases dynamic.

It is HubDB, which is an ideal instance of a dynamic database. Using CMS Hub, you can create dynamic web pages through a drag-n-drop user interface (UI), and it requires less to nil programming knowledge. Therefore, it is a more convenient and speedy process than coding if you are a programmer.


At the end of the day,

Finally, a vital question remains, who will help you create dynamic content and dynamic websites for your businesses? My first choice will be RP UXCollab, an outstanding team of HubSpot development in the USA.

The HubSpot CMS website development team in RP UXCollab has helped many SMBs to get dynamic websites and dynamic content that is location-sensitive and changes as per the present location of the visitors.

Will you wish to make your content dynamic? Let’s discuss.


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